Planet Links


Environmental Concern

“Environmental Concern”

P.O BOX 60 031 – 002, NAIROBI – KENYA, EMAIL:



CONTACT: JOHN NDWIGA, +254 720 322 187, +254 20 214 93 39,










Planet Links Company is an environmental consultancy firm covering, but not limited to, matters relating to and affecting the environment.
The firm has a wide range of professionals who have a good mastery of environmental issues and are always ready to offer professional environmental consultancy services.



1. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Auditing (EA)

This is done in accordance with the requirements of Section 58 of the Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act of 1999 (EMCA); Section 31 of the Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations of 2003; section 36 of the Physical Planning Act of 1996, and any other relevant provision of the laws of Kenya. Planet Links Company has highly qualified personnel who have a profound knowledge of Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental Audits.

2. Biodiversity Conservation

Planet Links Company deals with biodiversity conservation. This involves natural terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna. Sustainable approaches are adopted through extensive consultation with the relevant stakeholders. Local communities are always encouraged to take centre stage in the conservation of the various resources and equipped with knowledge of balancing their needs from the resources as well as ensuring that the ecosystem is not adversely affected.

Planet Links Company also develops Environmental Restoration Programs with respect to any degraded areas, for instance Wetlands, Rivers, Forests and the like.

3. Industrial and Urban Waste Management

Planet Links Company offers consultancy services on Waste Management. This is on the collection, storage, transportation, processing, treatment, recycling and final disposal of waste. The systems adopted are simple, affordable, sustainable (financially, environmentally and socially) and are equitable, providing collection services to poor as well as wealthy households. This is with the aim of improving the environment and involving formal door-to-door collection systems. A thorough situational analysis in strategic waste management is done on the existing situation and systems and relevant advice and approach is offered.

4. Renewable Energy


Planet Links Company aims at encouraging the adoption of renewable energy systems in the urban and rural areas. With the limited natural resources and the ever growing demand for energy, strategic plans need to be adopted. Solar, Wind and Water energies are our key concerns in the quest for renewable energy. Most parts of the country are endowed with either of the above resources if not all. Planet Links Company, in collaboration with the local communities, NGOs, Coporates and the Government advocates and advices on the suitable renewable energy to be adopted.

5. Fisheries and Aquaculture Management


Planet Links Company has the expertise to conduct large scale and small scale aquaculture projects. This involves open ponds, backyard ponds and aquariums. Consultancy involves pond construction and the type of fish to rear depending on the environmental conditions. Different types of fish farming are advised with respect to clients needs. The clients are equipped with knowledge of sustaining aquaculture as source of revenue. Fish farming projects are carried out whether for commercial or aesthetic purposes.


